Affiliation for 2023/24 Season is now open!
To begin your affiliation application please go to Whole Game and click on the Affiliation button on the left side of the screen, once you are in your clubs tab.
The process will follow the same 8 steps as previous seasons. The FA have published a guide to completing Affiliation on the Grassroots Technology Pages which can be found here.
Please note: Your current seasons affiliation details have already been transferred over ready for affiliation. Any changes you make now in Whole Game for this season will not be reflected in your data when you open the Affiliation application.
This season, the FA have produced a Club Guide. This guide will give you all the information you need on completing your clubs application, fees, insurance details, qualifications and certificates plus where to go for more information for Safeguarding, Discipline and lots of the different Recreational offers such as Wildcats.
If you need to contact the FA about anything Affiliation related, please use the Affiliation@Leicesteshirefa.com email address for the quickest response.